Wednesday, 21 April 2010

:: Team TERBAEK FC ::


This is my Team (so called my lah kan)... Just a few of my bestiest and homies... All of them are very eager and putting 110% of their effort in the league. They even spent a few nights searching for jerseys in down-town areas around KL... Find sponsors to be printed on the shirt... Even one of my friend sponsored the team.. Huhuhh on some degree I am impressed with their determination to participate in the IPBA Futsal League.... But it is kinda disheartening that I just can be the spectators and watch at the side... LOL

UHHHH what ever it is guys.. all the best eh.. for all the matches...

p/s: Aku dr dulu amat jeles dgn mereka yang boleh bersukan dengan baik.. huhu aku dr kecik sukan mmg tak hebat.. just main lari2 n tampar2 jek.. sebab tue kalo tampar orang..sakit kot org tue huhuh tapi sekarang nak lari2 wa dah tak bley dah.. dah sedikit debab.. kalo main lari2 wa perlukan tenaga yg banyak... Sbb tue lah bila dah tak bley bersukan I focused myself on activity pengucapan awam n yg perlukn kita guna otak.. kuiz hafal fakta semua.. hahah so jd bdk skem ckit le masa kat school dulu huhuhuh

Tp btoi lah.. rasa mcm left-out btoi2 sbb I can't really join them.. nk wat mcm ne kan they need only the best... watching them win or lose does give me an impact huuuuuuuu

1 comment:

SangKunang said...

terbaekkkk laaa..

tenkiu suhaimi sebab tolong promosikan pasukan ini..

by the way. thanks, thanks...
for supporting
